Monday, January 6, 2014

Healthy 2014 Resolutions

The new year of 2014 has begun and many of you are likely thinking of resolutions to kick it off! Making reasonable, healthy resolutions for you and your family can be a great way to ensure you have a great year! It is important to make your goals reasonable so that they are achievable for you and your family. Here are some healthy, family resolutions to consider:

- Spend more time outdoors with your kids: 20-30 min. a few times per week can help you and your children to be more active
- Encourage more family time without distractions: TV, video games, and other technology can distract from family time which should be about enjoying each other's company
- Eat more meals at home: Restaurants and fast food can be enticing because they are quick and easy but they can also be high in fat, sugar, and sodium. Eating at home encourages family time together, healthy eating habits, and allows you to have more control over what your child eats.
- Share meals together at the dinner table: Eating meals as a family provides time to catch up, enjoy companionship, and also share a healthy meal. With everyday distractions, meal time can be the best time to make sure you get quality time with your family.
- Eat breakfast every day: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Make sure that your children get it every day whether it is at home, school, or in the car to ensure that they get off to a great start! 
- Snack on fruits and vegetables daily: Snacking between meals to get energy is important but what we snack on is just as important. Grab different fruits and vegetables to get a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Prepare meals and snacks with your kids: Get your kids involved in prepping food so that they learn healthy habits and spend time with you!
- Make your plate like MyPlate: The MyPlate provides a great example of how to put together a healthy plate for your meals. Include all food groups and in the appropriate portions as seen below:

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