You may have
heard there will be new requirements for school meals on the horizon. Most of these new rules will begin for school
year 2012-13. Knowing what changes were
likely to take place, the C-FB ISD Student Nutrition
Department has been moving our menus gradually towards these targets for the
past couple years.
- There will be three different age groups; K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Before, we had fewer age groups which left some of the younger students with too much food. Minimum and maximum ranges have been established for calories, before we only had a minimum target.
- We are now limited as to the serving size of meat/meat alternate (cheese, yogurt, etc.) and grains we can offer. Previously, we only had a minimum to meet, but could offer more. Now we must stay within the specified ranges for each age group. This means entrees may not be as large as they have been.